Rare Pygmy Killer Whaler Rescued By IMMS

We are saddened to report that the Pygmy Killer Whale that we rescued on September 12, died on November 20th, 2019. This animal was the only live marine mammal that was rescued the year during which we have experienced the highest mortality ever recorded during our 30-year record. The opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway appears to have played a significant role in the many dolphin and sea turtle deaths responded to by our staff. The Mississippi Sound also experienced large scale moralities of oysters, shrimp, fish, and other marine fauna, which was attributed to the Mississippi River discharge through the Bonnet Carre Spillway.
The Pygmy Killer Whale was in critical condition when he was rescued. He was doing well and we were even contemplating to release him soon. However, on Monday, he stopped eating and was placed in intensive care and underwent comprehensive medical examinations and treatment. Even though we are saddened by his death, he has provided important scientific information on possible causes of strandings and death of this very rare species.
Thank you to everyone for your support!
His Story
At 4:00 pm on September 12, IMMS Rescue Team, including veterinarian Dr. Debra Moore, rescued a rare pygmy killer whale that was reported by a local fisherman. The animal was administered emergency care and was transported to IMMS’ rehabilitation facilities in Gulfport. At the time of rescue, the whale had visible shark bite marks and other lesions. The pygmy killer whale was provided fluids and antibiotic therapy and is being supported in the water on a 24/7 basis in order to stabilize the disoriented animal. This rare whale lives offshore in deeper waters, is a male, juvenile, measuring 93 cm., weighing 185 lbs., and is in critical- guarded condition. It is the only marine mammal that has stranded alive this year in the states of Alabama and Mississippi. All other marine mammals recovered so far this year have been found dead. This live animal allows the scientist who are conducting an investigation on the causes of the underrepresented moralities of dolphins in Mississippi a unique window on the environmental factors facing this and other marine mammal species in the Gulf, especially after the opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway, and subsequent river water incursion. The young pygmy killer whale is being provided emergency care and treatment and efforts are being made to ensure its survival and ultimate release.